Photo Recreations
A couple of shots in the 1997 film are actually recreations of real photos and paintings of the Titanic. Below are a few examples.

Titanic leaving the dock. April 10th, 1912.

Titanic with it's tender ship the Nomadic in Cherbourg, France. Fun fact, the Nomadic still exists today and is a museum ship. It reamins the only ship designed by Thomas Andrews that still exists.

Titanic on the sea.

This is actually a picture of a kid and his father on the Titanic taken on April 11th, 1912. In the movie, this scene happens during the afternoon of the 14th. The kid in the photo's name was Robert Douglas Spedden who was born in 1905. He survived the sinking of the ship, but died three years later in a automobile accident.

The Titanic at 2:18 AM April 15th, 1912. Two miuntes later, it would be broken in half and at the bottom of the ocean where it remains today.